Regional supervisors are employed in the regional offices under Area Manager. They are responsible for supervision of cluster of banks/ATMs, offices, warehouses & BTS sites under their jurisdiction. Primary duties and responsibilities of Regional Supervisors are as under:

a. Basing on the locations and remoteness of the posts conducting visit to all locations as
frequently as required.
b. Monitoring and recording individual performance of guards.
c. Recommending penalty for violations of discipline and under performances
d. Preparing and submitting incident report to the clients and BERBANGLA head office
e. Collecting feedback from the client about the guards performance and counseling the
guards to further improve their performance

Supervision by Officers of BERBANGLA Head Office

In addition to the above officers from head office carries out visit to the post under every region as frequently as practically possible. During the visit he/they take feedback from the clients and brief the guards accordingly so that mistakes are not repeated and performances are further improved

Surprise Checking

Surprise checking of the posts is carried out by the staffs from head office and regional
offices as well.

Duty Officers Monitoring by Cell Phone

Duty officers posted in head office and regional offices calls guards in the post at night five days a week to ensure that post are not vacant. Any deviation is recorded in the duty officers LOG. Action is taken against the defaulters if not found in the post.